TCG Istanbul Frigate set sail on its maiden voyage; Sea Acceptance Trials (SAT) have...

The Turkish flag was ceremoniously hoisted on the Istanbul Frigate, which is currently being built at the Istanbul Naval Shipyard, and it...

Kotil: “Currently, we are producing two more national combat aircraft.

The CEO of TUSAŞ (Turkish Aerospace Industries) Temel Kotil stated that the national combat aircraft is ready for flight, and in the...

The Mini Intelligent Cruise Missile KEMANKEŞ conducted its first test launch

Bayraktar KEMANKEŞ, a mini intelligent cruise missile developed by Baykar Defense, performed its first test launch in Edirne, Keşan.

Turkey’s Defense Ministry Enhances Aerospace Capabilities with A400M Retrofit Project

The A400M Retrofit Project, overseen by the Ministry of National Defense, aims to enhance the capabilities of A400M aircraft. The retrofit activities...

HÜRJET Marks Significant Milestone as Second Test Pilot Takes to the Skies

In a major achievement for the HÜRJET Jet Training and Light Attack Aircraft, the second test pilot recently participated in its tenth...

FNSS Marine Assault Vehicles Participate in Naval Exercises for the First Time

The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) recently released training footage of their flagship warship, TCG Anadolu, engaging in naval exercises in Aksaz. In...

Nigerian Navy Collaborates with Dearsan Shipyard to Renovate Flagship Vessel ARADU

In a significant development for the Nigerian Navy, an official Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed with Dearsan Shipyard to initiate the...

Turkish Aerospace Industries Delivers Additional AKSUNGUR UAVs to Turkish Armed Forces

Turkish Aerospace Industries (TUSAŞ) recently announced the delivery of two AKSUNGUR Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to the Turkish Armed Forces, further strengthening...